Archive for September 27th, 2007

The Birdtank

Someone has gone and mounted a birdcage inside a fish tank, do you call it a fishcage or a birdtank?

Navy's Barracks Looks Like Giant Swastika from the Air

Oops! The Navy's Coronado amphibious base and barracks, built in the 1960s, actually look like a giant swastika from the sky - as recently discovered by Google Earth.Now, the US Navy is going to spend as much as $600,000...

Matatu: Private Bus in Kenya

If you're ever in Nairobi, Kenya, you'll see a fleet of private buses and old vans called the matatu ("tatu" is "three" in Swahili, the original fare in shillings). Each bus or van is "b...

Strange Death: Misguided Faith and Atheist Lion

Following up on Miss C's recent post of strange deaths, here's one suggested by Alistair Strachan of Fortean Times, the case of a misplaced faith and atheist lion!A man shouting "God will save me if he exists&qu...

Transparent Frog

Masayuki Sumida and colleague at the Hiroshima University, Japan, had created a frog with transparent skin!The researchers say the see-through frogs can help in the study of diseases and in the development of medical...

Tornado Potato

Images: superlocal (left) and shezzz (right), both from FlickrThat's the tornado potato, a new snack found on the streets of Seoul, South Korea: take a spud and carve it into a long spiral and deep fry it to a crisp. Yum...

Brebner on USA and Canada

"Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States." - John Bartlett Brebner, Canadian historian (1895-1957)...

Firefox Pencils

Firefox sure has a devoted user base, some of whom go through great lengths and cost to promote the open source browser. Take for instance Nathan Lineback of Toasty Tech, who made pencils with Firefox logo and give 'em o...

Most Spectacular Google Sky Sights

PC World has a gallery with some amazing images from Google Sky.,137265-page,1-c,internettools/article.html - via LinkNotes...

Calvin and Hobbes Post-It Note Mural

The ingenuity of College and University students continues to amaze me again and again. So, what have the kids at Dordt College in Iowa done that is unique? Well, how about a mural completely created from Post-It N...

17 lb Baby Born to a Russian Woman

Behold the 17 lb (7.75 kg) baby born to a Siberian woman in Russia!A Siberian woman who gave birth to her 12th child - doing more than her fair share to stem Russia's population decline - was stunned to find that lit...

Ninjas Robbed a Gas Station

Two criminals, believed to be women, went into and robbed a Pittsburgh suburb gas station dressed as ninjas! Their weapon? Swords, of course!Link [YouTube] - via Fortean Times...

Trivia: Ted Turner, the Land Baron

American media mogul Ted Turner owns more than 2 million acres of land in 7 states. He owns nearly 2% of the state of New Mexico. Combined, his land is larger than the state of Delaware....

Is it a Turtle with Two Heads or Two Turtles with One Butt?

We've featured Janus, the two-headed turtle before on Neatorama, but this one is slightly different: this mutant turtle is joined in the butt! Jay Jacobi, the shop's exotic reptile manager, said: "The two heads...

Home Caught on Fire, So Couple Grabbed Dog but Forgot Boy!

When Crystal Adams and James Chandler's mobile home caught on fire, the quick-thinking couple grabbed their pet dog and fled. But they left their young boy inside!Police said the firefighters learned that the boy was...

HeadOn spoofs

Only my second day of authoring posts here at Neatorama - thanks Alex - and I'm already doing self-promotion. Here's a spoof ad gallery I put up as a bit of fun at my ad agency site. Non-North Americans may not get t...

Oil and Ink Abstracts

Clever macro photography of backlit oil and ink mixed together. (Presumably water too.) flickr set by Paritosh Narayan here...

Walking AT-AT LEGO Model

How awesome is this: a motorized walking Star Wars' AT-AT model made from LEGOs! The model can walk forward or backward, as well as move its head up or down.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | LEGO Store - via To...

The Open School of Art

The Open School of Art, founded by artist Karoly Koffan, was a legitimate school, but also became a front to save Jews in Budapest during World War II. Lauren Krupa is collecting stories from teachers and students who wo...

Celebrity Motorbike Crash-ups

Sandy at mental_floss has compiled A Disturbingly Long List of Celebrity Motorbike Crash-ups. 28 of them, to be exact! You may remember some of these from the news, but I bet you will be surprised by some. Link...

The Singing Presidents

Just for fun: Mt. Rushmore sings The Teddy Bears Picnic. Link -via the Presurfer...

Anachronism Illustrated

Here’s something you don’t see everyday. Picture found at Bits and Pieces....

More Bizarre Deaths

If you’re going to die, do it differently! Neatorama has featured strange deaths before, and here are more people who have died in bizarre ways, like the women who was choked by a fish, or the man who’s hea...

Katie Cook's Adorable Star Wars Sketch Cards

Katie Cook's DeviantArt gallery is full of adorable Star Wars sketch cards she created for the Topps Star Wars 30th Anniversary trading card set (she draws an irresistible Chewbacca, but Garindan's my favorite). You...

Happy Birthday, Miss Cellania!

Woot! Today is Miss Cellania's birthday! Quick, everyone go there to wish her a Happy Birthday.While you're at it, check out her top 10 posts on YesButNoButYes, her stories on mentalfloss (and her daily Morning Cup o' Li...

How Giraffes Fight

Here's something that definitely don't show you on TV: two giraffes viciously duking it out, giraffe-style (I guess).So how do giraffes fight? You'll just have to watch the clip.Link [embedded YouTube clip]...

Super Mario Bros. Mushroom Candy Tin!

This Super Mario Brothers 1UP mushrooms is actually a cleverly designed candy tins! Link...

Germs That Go Into Space Return Deadlier Than Ever

What happen when germs go into space on a rocket and come back to Earth? They become stronger and deadlier than ever:Scientists wanted to see how space travel affects germs, so they took some along — carefully...

How Percilla The Monkey Girl Found Love

The Human Marvel blog has an interesting article about a bearded lady named Percilla Lauther, better known as "the monkey girl," who found true love:In the late 1930's, while performing with the Johnny J. J...

Paintball-Firing Mini Tank

This Funtrak Mini Paintball Tank is just like the real war machine, just scaled down a little ... It even lets you fire paintballs through its cannon while you drive around terrorizing the neighborhood!Link...


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