Archive for August 19th, 2011

Sweet Mushrooms and Goombas

Look at these adorable cupcakes! DeviantART member tomo-chi made mushrooms and Goombas from the world of Mario, with green ice cream cones serving as pipes. Link -via Buzzfeedmario, video game, Cake, cupcakes...

Vintage STD Posters

Public health posters from the World War I and World War II eras warned soldiers of the dire consequences of venereal diseases (now called STDs). Since military men were the target, blame was squarely put on the woma...

University Offers Scholarship for the Best Tweet

A MBA program at the University of Iowa offers a $37,000 scholarship to the person who can write the best tweet. Instead of writing two essays, applicants can write one essay and one tweet: Applicant Seth Goldstein of...

Post-It Note Towers

For an art installation in Kyoto, Tato Architects assembled towers out of 30,000 Post-It Notes. To make these flimsy pieces of paper take such a form, they designed a honeycomb-like structure out of them and used it...

9 Strange Facebook-Related Crimes

One of my high school teachers once told our class, "if you're going to be stupid enough to do something illegal, at least don't be stupid enough to put it on camera." That was before the days of Facebook and YouTube, bu...

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Costume

Remember the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who? LiveJournal user penwiper337 made a convincing costume of one and explained, in detail and with photos, how she did it. Link -via CraftDoctor Who, cosplay...

Japan's Reptile Cafe

We've all heard of the kitty and puppy cafes sweeping through Japan, but for those of you who like more cold-blooded pets, there's now a reptile cafe to satisfy the desires of those who live a petless lifestyle but s...

The World's Most Insane Kid's Presents

If there's one thing ridiculously rich people are good at, it's wasting money. And this list of potential gifts for the world's most spoiled children is equal parts depressing and hilarious. Just check out this $10,0...

How Cats See Humans

Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows all they really want is a place to nap, food, a nice scratch post, things to play with and an occassional petting session (that had better be on their terms). That's why this com...

5 Silly Secrets That Only Two People Know

You know, I can understand why Coca Cola would only let two people in the world know their secret formula, but there are some secrets that are just plain how to do the Hapsburg napkin fold. Yes, one of A...

Snake Wreath

If you want to class up your home for visitors, say, prospective in-laws, then this snake wreath should do the trick. The best part is that there's a motion sensor that makes the snakes move and hiss as people approa...

Man Keeps NYC Parking Spot for 11 Years by Continuously Feeding It Quarters

Charles Mysak, a bookseller in New York City, found a great parking spot. That was eleven years ago. He's kept the spot and his '94 Civic there ever since by feeding it $36 in quarters every day:Earning roughly $100 a da...

Star Trek Quilts

The best way to live long in prosper is with a nice warm Star Trek quilt. I think you will agree when you check out this gallery of quilts all featuring characters from the original Star Trek, made by The Alligator B...


Chromeography is a website dedicated to retro chrome logos and lettering on vintage cars, trucks and household appliances.  They don't make them like they used to, and this gallery of logos reminds us of a different...

Canadian Library Will Loan Out People as Well as Books

For centuries the public library has been a great source of knowledge through books. Now one library in Canada is opening up the scope of how you acquire knowledge at the library; by offering up skilled people. Why r...


CAPSLOCK Gum - $1.25 Are you constantly aggravated by e-mails, tweets, and status updates?  You need a chewing gum that is intune with your inner most feelings. You need the CAPSLOCK Gum from the NeatoShop.  This nove...

Aliens Will Fix Global Warming… Or Kill Us ?

If we are ever contacted by an alien civilization, would they bestow great knowledge on us or destroy us? A new report explores several possible outcomes to human contact with an alien civilization.  What do you thi...

First Look at Space Hotel

While several companies are vying to be the first to give space tourists a flight into earth orbit, one group, Orbital Technologies is aiming to be the first to give them a place to stay. They have plans for a Commer...

Dew-Covered Dragonfly

Photo: Miroslaw Swietek Photographer Miroslaw Swietek took the magnificent macro photo of a dragonfly covered in dew. I wonder how the dew drops affect the insect's...

More of Andy Gilmore's Geometric Art

We posted about Andy Gilmore's Geometric Art before on Neatorama, but he's come up with some really neat new works. He should make these as wallpapers! Links: Andy Gilmore's web...

Is Any All-Female House Really Considered a Brothel?

It's been a very long time since I was a college student, so this was something new to me. There is talk on some campuses about an "old law" that says a house with a certain number of females living there is legally cons...

Dance of the Light Bulbs

There's ballet ... then there's light bulb ballet. Take a look at this beautifully choreographed Dance of the Light Bulbs by Eleazar Fanjul (it starts slow, but give it time ...)...

Suicide Pig by Mori Chack

Photo: Japanese artist Mori Chack (famous for the Gloomy Bear character) made this morbidly cute (cutely morbid?) vinyl sculpture of a pig who committed suicide. Can someone...

Predictive Policing: The Minority Report in Real Life?

In Philip K. Dick's sci-fi novel The Minority Report (which was later made into the blockbuster movie starring Tom Cruise), Precrime officers apprehend would-be criminals b...

Peter Deunov: How One Man Saved Bulgaria's Jews

World War II Bulgaria didn’t have a Schindler, and it didn’t have a list. It had a white-bearded mystic named Peter Deunov and an entire nation standing behind him. Together, they saved Bulgaria’s 48,000 Jews f...

Danny MacAskill's Industrail Revolutions

Just think of it as parkour ... but on wheels. Stunt cyclist Danny MacAskill (AKA Danny MegaSkill) shows off his mad skillz in this clip "Industrail Revolutions." Hit...

Where's Wall-E?

Where's Wall-E? is a step beyond Where's Waldo?! This poster, created by Richard Sargent, features a crowd of robots that should be familiar to you from movies and TV. Can you find Wall-E among the...

Dressed for School

Redditor worstenememe snapped a picture of his nephew as the child modeled the outfit he plans to wear for his first day of school. This little boy's teacher is in for a treat! Well, you know what they say, dress for...

Lost in Translation

Sam Kean wrote a book about the periodic table of elements called The Disappearing Spoon. When the Chinese edition came out, he was surprised by the cover art, which included some element icons that were sexuall...

Wall Decals

Wall Decals - $19.95 each Are you looking for a fun and easy way to spruce up your dorm room or apartment walls? You need Wall Decals from the NeatoShop. These fantastic decals are repositionable, removable, and reus...


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