Archive for June 29th, 2012

The Combat Gnomes Are Back With Even More Firepower

These combat ready garden gnomes are created from scratch by artist Shawn Thorsson, who obviously had a pest problem that a little bit of bug spray couldn't handle. This time around the gnomish combatants are back...

Tentacle Wine Bottle Stopper

Tentacle Wine Bottle Stopper (sold individually) $9.95 You know what goes great with Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Grigio and Riesling wines? A little tentacle. Tentacle...

Get the Pool, Boy!

(Video Link) Just look at that water, mocking you with its wetness. Get it! Via I Has A Hot DogCute, videos, animals, dogs, pets, pools, swimming...

Wooly Dioramas Of Iceland

What natural fiber immediately comes to mind at the mention of Iceland? Why it's wool, of course! Artist and photographer Eszter Burghardt clearly agrees with the wool-Iceland association, and she was inspired to...

$1,000,000 Gold Vacuum Cleaner Now on Sale at Reduced Price

But there's more! If you order now, GoVacuum will ship this commercial grade vacuum cleaner for free. It also comes with anti-marring urethane wheels and custom engraving on the gold surface. Be sure to list...

Man Calls 911 Because His Skyline Chili Experience Was Bad

(Video Link) I don't think we can emphasize this enough people. 9-1-1 is not where you call to complain about your restaurant experience (unless, maybe, it involves drugs, bomb threats, fires or some other, r...

Canine Parody Of Adele's Video Rolling In The Deep

(YouTube Link) This silly little music video from The Pet Collective shows how your dog feels when you go out of town, and reveals that the cat couldn't care less! So grab a milk bone and bark along to Pawdelle's v...

Medieval Manuscript Gives Clue about Mysterious Radiation Spike

Tree ring data indicates that sometime around 774 or 775 A.D., an intense burst of radiation hit the Earth. What was its source? Scientists were uncertain, but it was probably a supernova. Unfortunately, there were no re...

Awesome SciFi Illustrations By Don Ivan Punchatz

These bright, bizarre and absolutely beautiful illustrations are by Don Ivan Punchatz, an artist whose works have graced the covers of many iconic science fiction magazines, novels and records. You may recognize h...

Dan Cretu's Food Art

Even if we were at a formal dinner, I wouldn't mind if Dan Cretu played with his food. He makes impressive sculptures with fruits and vegetables. Link -via Nag on the Lake | Artist's Blogfood art, Dan Cretu...

Samurai Boba Fett Cosplay

I've been wondering when someone would get around to creating costumes based on the Samurai Star Wars fan art series, and this cool Samurai Boba Fett costume means that my wait is over. The costume was created by...

Mitchell MacNaughton's Pietà

The Virgin Brak mourns the death of Space Ghost while comforted by a cherubic Carl Brutananadilewski. Cartoonist Mitchell MacNaughton made this image while preparing for a podcast about the history of Cartoon Network...

Lives of Grass by Mathilde Roussel

French artist Mathilde Roussel's Lives of Grass is a living sculpture of falling bodies made from soil and sprinkled with wheat seeds. As the installation progressed, the seed...

What Happens if You Die on a Cruise Ship?

A modern cruise ship is a floating city often populated by elderly people. So on board deaths are common. How does the crew respond? In a fascinating article at io9, Keith Veronese explored the physical and legal cha...

Meet the Grandfather of Everyone in Britain

Meet Ian Kinnaird, 72, who turned out to be the grandfather of everyone in Britain. Genetically speaking, that is: Ian Kinnaird, 72, has a genetic marker inherited from hi...

The Truth About Kool-Aid

Have you ever wondered why the Kool-Aid Man is so happy to dispense the drink that makes up most of his body to children around the world? It's because he is secretly a vampire who forces kids to drink his blood s...

Zombies Love Nerds - They Have Bigger Brains

Zombie Love Nerds - They Have Bigger Brains T-Shirt ($14.95) Well, that's one big disadvantage for being nerdy! Zombies love nerds because of our big brains. I suppose it's a good thin...

Seeing Beyond the Human Eye

(YouTube link) PBS's Off Book series looks at the many ways science and technology allow us to see things we aren't going to see naturally. What's more, those things can be amazingly beautiful! This video was produced...

Black Forest: Tape Art by Hong Seon Jang

Believe it or not, the eerie image above is actually made using strips of tape on a chalkboard. It's titled Black Forest, by Korean artist Hong Seon Jang: Link Hong Seo...

The Fashionable Russian Army Ensembles Of The 1890s

The men who made up the ranks of the Russian Army in the late 1800s were a rather fashionable bunch, and some of the shots in this gallery look like they came straight out of a fashion magazine. Maybe it's the way...

In the Hall of Mechanical King

(Video Link) In 11,000 photographs, YouTube user nothinghereok documented his overhaul of a Triumph Spitfire engine. Watch this enchanting stop-motion animated presentation of the engine disassembling, cleaning and...

Caten, Kinetic Sculpture by David Letellier

You're looking at a strings-on-rope installation called Caten at the Saint Sauveur chapel in Caen, France. The art installation is the creation of David Letellier, w...

Twisted Animated Parody Of Harry Potter

(YouTube Link) This cautionary parody of Harry Potter reminds us how important it is to say the proper words when casting a spell, and to stand back a ways from whatever object you're casting a spell upon!...

Teddy Bear Breakfast

Shh! Don't wake the little fellow. Let him doze. We can go hungry for a while. Hiyoko555 made this breakfast in the guise of Rilakkuma, a San-X character. Link (Google Translate) -via That's Nerdalicious!breakfast...

Baby Elephant in a Rain Slicker

Photo: Michael Nichols The cute photo of a baby elephant in rain slicker belied a harrowing tale. Read Charles Siebert's 2011 National Geographic story about baby elephants or...

The Diving Suit That Inspired The Big Daddy

Remember that mindless bucket of bolts known as the Big Daddy that you had a hard time killing while playing Bioshock 1 and 2? Well, it turns out that the iconic look of the Big Daddy was inspired by an a...

Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?

(YouTube link) An educational film by Jason Willis. Catnip is all the rage with today's modern feline, but do we really understand it? Is it a source for harmless kicks, or a potentially crippling addiction? Is it...

The Military is Developing the Lightning Weapon

We told you that scientists were able to control lightning bolt with laser. Now, we learn that (surprise!) the military has developed a lightning-based weapon: The...

Hot Enough For Ya?

(YouTube link) In other words, stay away from Virginia! Then again, this is one instance where you'd be glad that the weatherman turned out to be wrong. From the news team at WTVR CBS 6 in Richmond, Virginia. -via Met...

How Tomatoes Lost Their Taste

It's no secret that supermarket tomatoes are grown for their looks and not for their taste, but how where exactly did growers go wrong in developing taste tomatoes? Science ha...


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