Archive for August 29th, 2013

Artist with a Skin Disorder Uses Her Body as a Canvas

Ariana Page Russell has dermatographia, which the Mayo Clinic defines as:Dermatographia is a condition also known as skin writing. When people who have dermatographia lightly scratch their skin, the scratches redden into...

Minions in Black

Minions in Black by Chicoloco Designs Well, the Men in Black may not be hosting an intergalactic kegger down there, but the Minions in Black sure are! Let us welcome Chicoloco Designs to the Ne...

What If You Stopped Going Outside?

[] (YouTube link)The short version: go outside; it's good for you. AsapSCIENCE explains exactly why. I would add that time in sunshine also helps regulate your sleep, which is one of the many r...

Pink Panther Sunglasses

No, these aren't inspired by the cartoon character of that name, but they are pink and shaped like panthers. These vintage sunglasses were once in the possession of Etsy seller Cara Mia, but, I gather, have since been so...

Don't Let Air Pollution Ruin Your Vacation Photo!

Want to take a photo of the gorgeous city skyline but not the pesky smog? Don't let reality ruin your vacation photo! Take one in front of this backdrop, instead. Chinese website Netease published a galler...

The Cuddle Mattress Is Designed to Make Snuggling Easier

(Photo: Cuddle Mattress)Oh, you have someone to love but you can't slip your arms around him/her without losing circulation to an arm? Poor you. Well, bless your heart, there is now a solution to your crisis:Essentially...

Alice & Queen of Hearts Salt & Pepper Shakers

 Alice & Queen of Hearts Salt & Pepper ShakersDon't let bland kitchen decor make you lose your head. Add a touch of whimsy to your table with the Alice & Queen of Hearts Salt & Pepper Shakers from th...

Medieval and Renaissance Sea Monsters

Early cartographers often included illustrations or descriptions of sea monsters on their maps, in order to warn explorers of their location. Sometimes the drawings were symbolic, such as a picture of a king riding a fis...

Stay Warm With These Crocheted Super Scarves

Wanna look fashionable and super while staying warm this winter? Then check out Etsy seller Fallen Designs' great hooded scarves based on the Avengers and the Justice League. Personally, I dig the Iron Man design, but th...

August 29th: Skynet Becomes Self-aware

According to the 1991 movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day, August 29th is the day Skynet becomes self-aware. The quote:The Terminator: The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. H...

People Who've Never Been Online Explain the Internet

"OMG! You've never seen the Internet?" How would you explain the Internet if you've never been online? Justine Sharrock of Buzzfeed asked a handful of inmates from California's San Quentin...

Area Man Realizes He's Been Reading Fake News For 25 Years

You might think this is a headline from the Onion, but it's from NPR. It's a headline about the Onion, which is 25 years old today! The satirical newspaper started out small, and now has the newspaper, a popular...

Osprey and Spoonbill's "Near Miss"

Photo: David Rennie, Mandurah Wetlands, Western Australia Photographer David Rennie captured this fantastic photo of an encounter of an osprey and a spoonbill in mid-air. Rennie wrote that the young osprey...

Let's Hope That Mirror Is Strong

(Video Link)Otherwise this baby goat is going to go right through it when he gets a little older and decides to really go at it with that copy cat goat.Via BoingBoinggoat, cute, video, mirror, animals, Sandy Co...

Kill Ghosts

Kill Ghosts by Theduc Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the limbs you've lost. They belong to Pac-Bride now. Visit theduc's official websi...

The Image of the 2013 VMAs in LEGO

Four days later, Miley Cyrus's performance with Robin Thicke at the Video Music Awards Sunday night are enshrined in LEGO. Iain Heath, better known on the internet as Ochre Jelly, is turning memes into LEGO sculptures as...

Coffee Table Made from a Mining Cart

A century ago, the base of this table was a cart used in a French mine. Now, with a bit of alteration by Ducôté Design, it's a handsome table.Link (Translation) -via Recyclartcoffee tables...

Melting Witch

Melting WitchOh my world, my world! She's melting! Who would have thought a good person like you could destroy such beautiful wickedness without the use of water.The Melting Witch set includes putty and pieces to make yo...

Game of Thrones Starring Walter White

[] (YouTube link)It's just too tempting to put the most badass character on cable TV into the most badass show on premium cable. So Jeff Wysaski did just that. Heisenberg can hold his own just...

Samoas Jell-O Shots

Love Girl Scout Cookies, but wish they were a little more adult? Then perhaps you could try you hands at improvising some sweet Samoa-flavored Jell-O shots like these ones created by My Jello Americans.Linkjello, samoas,...

The Ugly Animal Preservation Society

British biologist/comedian Simon Watt is teaming up with the National Science + Engineering Competition to bring attention to endangered species that are not magnificent, cute, or even plain. In fact, they are downright...

Cracked Cymbals Turned into Classy Lamps

They may not be usable for music, but they can make fine lampshades. Leonardo Criolani made pendant lamps from cracked cymbals. The light through the crack looks a bit like lightning, don't you think?Link -via Inhabitatc...

Squirrel and Rabbit

[] (YouTube link)The squirrel who snugs on the rabbit named George is cute enough by itself, but the accompanying dialogue here is priceless. Thanks, but there's no need to go get my camera, be...

This Ice Cream Cake Will Certainly Give You A Brain Freeze

This brain-shaped cake not only looks fantastic, but it certainly tastes wonderful as Say It With Cake used a red velvet cake with a cherry chip filling, buttercream frosting and a red-chocolate syrup layer of blood. It...

What Is It? game 290

Now it's time for our collaboration with the awesome What Is It? Blog! What is this thing? You don't have to know to win!Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, please, though you ca...

The Mystery of Flight

A penguin can dream, can't he? Fly, little penguin. Use any means you have to, such as this one suggested in the webcomic Safely Endangered.Linkwebcomic, Safely Endangered...

Beauty Secrets from the Good Old Days

Here's a beauty tip from Uncle John: If your great-great-great-grandma is still living, don't ask her for beauty tips. If what we found in these old books is any guide, you'll probably get some pretty odd advice.*/em...

Who Will Ascend to the Keyboard Throne

Are you the rightful heir to the Seven Geekdoms? Then you'll need to be ready to fight your way through the Game of Nerds in the hopes that one day you can ascend to the Keyboard Throne as created by artist Mike DeWolfe....

Rainbow Blast Socks

Rainbow Blast SocksWhat? You thought rainbows were made with sunlight and raindrops? Nah, that's just the story they tell you keep you from the real truth. Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Footwear....

This Jigsaw Puzzle Should be Illegal!

This "impossible" jigsaw puzzle is borderline criminal genius! Now, if they only make it in all white: jigsaw puzzle...


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