Archive for September 4th, 2013

Dangerous Alone Tattoo T-Shirt by Atomic Rocket

Dangerous Alone Tattoo by Atomic Rocket It's dangerous to go alone, so take this shirt by Atomic Rocket to accompany you in your daily adventure. Let me...

Goat Anatomy

Makes perfect sense to me. It will also cause people to want their very own pet goat with its tum and jump sticks. Link goat anatomy, goat...

Nintendo Zapper Chandelier

This beautiful chandelier provides perfect lighting for a romantic evening of playing Duck Hunt. JJ Games describes how they built it:We custom built the chandelier using our excess inventory of light guns, about 20...

One Ring to Teeth Them

The Fellowship of the Teething Ring is committed to keeping parents up at night and staying fussy all day. This is the object of their quest: a teething ring made by Etsy seller Heather.Link -via Fashionably GeekThe Lord...

It's Dangerous to Go Alone, Wear These

It's what's underneath that matters and in a wedding, that means your garters and it's hard to beat the geekish greatness of these Zelda garters by Etsy seller CreativeGarters. Of course, as their name implies, they make...

$29,000 Hi-Fi Coffin Plays Music for the Dead

(Photo: CataCombo Sound System)Just because you're dead doesn't mean that you have to part from your favorite One Direction tunes. The CataCombo Sound System uses Spotify to route music to speakers built into your coffin...

The Arsehole Gene

[] (YouTube link)Genticists have made a fascinating discovery that points to a genetic mutation responsible for the behavior of certain people you know. They were born that way. Which, of cours...

Peter Pan & Captain Hook Salt & Pepper Shakers

Peter Pan & Captain Hook Salt & Pepper ShakersCould your kitchen decor use a little bit of childhood magic? Capture the spirit of Neverland with the Peter Pan & Captain Hook Salt & Pepper Shakers from the...

Doctor Who Music Box

James Hance, an artist whose work we've featured extensively here at Neatorama, made this music box inspired by "The Rings of Akhaten," an episode of Doctor Who. In that episode, the people of Akhaten sing...

R.I.P. Butler Blue II

The news was released yesterday that Butler Blue II, the bulldog mascot for the Butler University Bulldogs, passed away Saturday after an extended Illness. He was nine years old. The whole story comes out in a eulogy fro...

Spooky Skeleton Sangria

Sangria is always a great party drink, but if you're planning to serve it up on Halloween, it's pretty easy to spruce it up to make a great vampire-inspired cocktail complete with bones and eyes floating along with the c...

Google's Birthday?

I've been getting a lot of notices about today being Google's birthday. At first I ignored them, because Google's birthday is on September 27th, which I recall because it is also my birthday. But I keep seeing birthday n...

Yoga Flame Grilled BBQ

Yoga Flame Grilled BBQ by Matt Parsons All that Street Fightin' sure can make you hungry! Thank goodness, there's the Yoga Flame Grilled BBQ, as shown in this wickedly funny tee by Matt Par...

A Third Century A.D. Chinese Description of the Roman Empire

At its height, the commercial reach of the Roman Empire extended deep into central Asia. There was even direct contact between Rome and China.John E. Hill of the University of Washington offers further evidence of the co...

More NYC Etiquette Tips

Earlier this year, Nathan Pyle gave us a series of gifs about basic New York City Etiquette. Now he has a follow-up series ready, with more city etiquette and tips to help tourists get around. Plus, he got a book deal! I...

I Want To Eat A Wookie...No, Not That Kind

I don't mean a big hairy creature from Star Wars. What I mean is a cookie cooked in the most delectable way possible -in a waffle iron! Top it off with a scoop of ice cream and chocolate syrup like the Iron Pres...

107 Regional Slang Words

[] (YouTube link)Let the carping begin! Anytime someone tries to pinpoint regional idioms, there are many folks who were born and raised there and have never heard the term. Where I live, that...

Mike Hewson's Urban Optical Illusions

Mike Hewson, an artist in New Zealand, makes slight alterations to building exteriors to reshape or hide architectural features. Here's a walkway in Christchurch that is almost invisible when seen from the right angle.Li...

Spider Necklace

Spider NecklaceHalloween is right around the corner. Add eight legs of creeptastic charm to your outfit with the Spider Necklace from the NeatoShop. This frightfully fun necklace has a vintage feel. Grosgrain ribbon, fau...

Kids Do Legend of Zelda

(YouTube link) These kids do a great job of acting out the Legend of Zelda to the music of System of a Down. And they're adorable! -via Buzzfeed...

Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz

Artist Juan Ortiz designed a movie-style poster for every episode of the original Star Trek. They're in his new book Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz, but we get a sneak preview of seven of them at Flav...

Well, Nuts Can Be Pretty Greasy

(Video Link)How is a squirrel supposed to keep his hands clean after a big picnic lunch? With a few napkins, of course. If only the birds could pick up this trick, they'd probably love to use it for nesting materials.Via...

Some Genes are More Analog than Digital

Ed Yong has a fascinating article on the behavior of a gene called SRY. It is located on the Y chromosome, and is pivotal in making an embryo develop into a male. But what about studies of Swyer syndrome, in which a chil...

A Digital Sundial

Amazing! This sundial is digital in that it shows the time with digits, but it's not electrical:Like a digital clock, the digital sundial displays the current time using digits. In the true tradition of all sundials, the...

Meet Lizzie Mae

[] (YouTube link)Azie Mira Dungey worked as a living history character at Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate in Virginia. She regularly answered questions about life as a slave, but some...

Geek Icons Taking On Rosie The Riveter

Rose the Riveter is cool, but she's just so old-school. If you want the youngsters to relate with the message, you've gotta update her image. Fortunately, many artists have already taken on this problem and io9 has a gre...

Baseball's Only Double No-Hitter

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook. It was an extremely chilly day in Chicago at Weegham Park on May 2, 19...

The Classic Batman Intro in Stop-Motion

[](Video Link)You may remember Kyle Roberts's excellent shot-for-shot duplication of the introduction to the X-Men cartoon using action figures. For this project, he takes us bac...

Han Solo Fridge

I don't know why, but when I followed the link to "Han Solo Fridge," my mind went to Indiana Jones instead, and I was expecting something about the refrigerator Indy hid in during the nuclear test. But this is cool, too!...

Cat Tangler

 Cat TanglerHalloween is right around the corner. Dress up your house in true crazy cat lady style with the Cat Tangler from the NeatoShop. This sweet little kitten with long bendable tail is perfect for decorating...


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