Archive for September 27th, 2013

Man Plays an Accordion Drawn on His Back

[](Video Link)I had no idea that tattoos could do this. I'm going to get one right now!-via 22 Wordsaccordions...

Tweets Reformatted as Telegrams

Twitter and telegrams have a couple of things in common: they both contain short messages, and they are both sent over long distances. And that's where any similarity ends. Telegrams were expensive, and you paid by the l...

These Cars Are The Same Size

Psychologist Richard Wiseman of Quirky Mind Stuff posted this perspective illusion in his blog and told us that the cars are the same size. Despite that, our mind stubbornly believes that the car on top are large...

Teenager Gets Robotic Arm

[] (YouTube link)Dee Faught was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bone disease. He's now 17 years old, and his biggest wish is to be able to reach things, so he can be more independ...

Breaking Bad Choose Your Own Adventure Books

(Image: Jon Defreest)This is just a mock up, but AMC and Chooseco (the publisher of the book series) should definitely seize the opportunity. Are they in the meth business or the money business? Neither. They're in the p...

Standoff with a Black Rhino

Think you're a badass? You've got nothing on Kim Wolhuter of Discovery's Man, Cheetah, Wild [self-starting video]. The Zimbabwean wildlife filmmaker was driving in the bush in Africa when he and his cameraman encountered...

How to Make Star Wars Great Again

[] (YouTube link)TrumanPDX sends an open letter to J.J. Abrams in the form of a video explaining what made Star Wars so special in the first place. I agree, follow what was great about...

Shark Tooth Fairy Pillow

 Shark Tooth Fairy PillowAre you hunting for a sweet way to celebrate your little fish's big milestone. Capture the Shark Tooth Fairy Pillow from the NeatoShop. This ferociously fun plush shark has a mouth pocket fo...

You Say Tomato, I Say Potato: The Tomato Potato Combo Plant Lives!

In a 1999 episode of The Simpsons, Homer Simpsons accidentally created the tomacco - a tomato and tobacco hybrid. That frankenplant was recreated in real life in 2003 by Rob Baur of Lake Oswego, Oregon)....

Canceled Wedding Turns into Feast for the Homeless

Carol and Willie Fowler of Atlanta planned to host a large wedding for their daughter, Tamara. But Tamara canceled the wedding with only 40 days to go, and the restaurant was reserved. So they had the feast anyway, and c...

Spaceship Size Chart

As Darth Vader himself would have said: Impressive. Most impressive. deviantARTist Dirk Loechel has created a chart comparing the relative sizes of spaceships from across many sci-fi and video game series....

Now THIS is a Pool Party

[] (YouTube link)Combine a waterside, a slip-n-slide, and a ski jump, and you get me wanting to do this. It happened at Ohio Dreams Action Sports Camp. All this fun is enhanced by the song "Scr...

Sons of Arkham - Original Anarchist

Sons of Arkham - Original Anarchist by Scott Neilson Following up on his popular Sons of Arkham design, Scott Neilson has released this beauty: Sons of Arkham - Original Anarchist. Check out Scott's webs...

The Difference Between Science and Breaking Bad

While Vince Gilligan and the writers of Breaking Bad were getting a crash course in science, University of Oklahoma chemistry professor Dr. Donna Nelson was getting a crash course in television as the science ad...

Show Her Your Dark Side With This Death Star Ring

Of course, giving this to a girl doesn't mean you get to do anything to her thermal exhaust port. This amazing ring was created by the gifted jewelry designer Paul Michael Designs and if you prefer other classic Sta...

26 Things You Might Not Know About The Princess Bride

Inconceivable! there is no end to trivia about The Princess Bride, and there is no end to fans who are interested in it. Did you know that one of the guys who played an R.O.U.S. (Rodents Of Unusual Size) had to...

It Takes More Than A Rooster to Wake Up This Pooch

(Video Link)In fact, even a rooster, elephant and human still seem to be having a hard time getting him up. Unfortunately for the poor little elephant, that means no time to play with his best friend. Via...

Don't Ask the Question if You Don't Want the Answer

It's ketchup. That's all you need to know. And trust me, it's all you want to know. In this comic, Fredo and Pid'Jin are just making a BLT. Nothing more.Linkwebcomic, Fredo and Pidjin, Eugen Erhan, Tudor Muscalu...

Mickey Mouse Bib and Hat

Mickey Mouse Bib and HatHey there! Hi there! Ho there! Are you looking for a Halloween costume that's as easy and functional as can be? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E. Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse!The Mickey Mouse Bib and Hat hat s...

Disney Princesses As Ballerinas

Forget the Nutcracker, these ballerinas are all about classic fairy tales. Finally there's a ballet that little girls can actually stand sitting all the way through -although you still probably won't get many little boys...

Jaguar and Prey

[] (YouTube link)Who knew that jaguars were such good swimmers? This guy glides along like a ninja, and the caiman on the shore has no idea until it's too late. Luke Dollar of National Geograph...

Celebrities and Their Matching Vegetables

Kale, you were nice, but it's time to move on. Modern Farmer linked together celebrities and the vegetables that they resemble. At the link, you can find those that match Will Smith's family, Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan an...

The Bear who Fought in World War II

Wojtek was a Persian bear cub who was adopted by a unit of Polish soldiers training under the British Army in the Middle East during World War II. The 22nd Transport Company, Artillery Division, raised him the best they...

How to Make A Realistic Bone Fracture

Eeek, looks horrific right? Well, that's kind of the point! This Instructable makeup tutorial can help you make this creepy, monsterous bone fracture this Halloween. If you're wondering what it's made from, the bone is a...

Isaac Newton: 17th-Century London’s Dirty Harry

The science titan wasn’t used to being outsmarted. But after two years of trying to shut down English counterfeiting, one underworld kingpin was still getting the better of him. Back in 169...

It's A Small Cake After All

I know, I know, just posting a picture of this cake will get that infernal song stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Sorry, but despite the catchy tune, this cake, created by Cinderella Cakes for Yelp user Lyn N.'...

Pumpkin Spice: The Horror Movie

[] (YouTube link)The pumpkins are taking over everything, along with their allies, cinnamon, clove, and ginger. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide! You cannot escape Pumpkin Spice! Rememb...

Bat-Eating Cane Toad

No, that toad is not sprouting wings. You're looking at a rare, perhaps the only, photograph of a cane toad eating a bat. The photo was taken in the Cerros de Amotape National Park in Peru by park ranger...

One Sorry Individual

(video link) Poor Jesse Pinkman. Has any character ever gone through so much misery and abuse in the history of television? This supercut contains Breaking Bad spoilers. It als...

Monty Python Wallet

[]Monty Python WalletAre you looking for a completely different type of place to hide all that wonderful hard earned cash? Get a the wallet that will really make a splash. The Monty Python...


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